30 Days to Make Your Money Count

30 Days to Make Your Money Count is for Financial Advisors, DIY Investors, Family Offices, and Small Business Owners who want to Save More Money, Pay Lower Taxes, And Build a Better Retirement

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30 Days to Make Your Money Count

Over the last decade a small, secret group of Jesus Followers have been working to raise up a new breed of wealth managers.


This special group of wealth managers is focused on helping people create a better plan for using their money, to make a difference. To make a difference in their communities. To make a difference in culture. To make a difference, in the world. And, as always, to make a difference in the lives of the people they love.

We all know, that true wealth, is not about having more toys and trinkets. True wealth is about influence, and impact.

Money is tangible, but money is also emotional in nature. It’s necessary for the exchange of goods and services, but money is also, often, what divides spouses and families. Money is a primary source of permanent scars among loved ones. It’s used to rebuild entire nations and their infrastructure, but money is equally vitalto support the poorest among us, for food and shelter.

If you’re a Financial Advisor, and if you want to learn more about our special group of financial influencers, join me, on The Salty Advisor Podcast.


In each episode, we take a fresh dive into the principles, and the process, of building wealth. If you’re ready to take your Financial Planning Process to the next level, Join Us Today, on The Salty Advisor Podcast.

If you’re a Do It YourSelf Investor, a Family Office, or a Small Business Owner, you can join us on, The Missional Money Podcast. Each episode is focused on helping you create a holistic Financial Plan based on your unique Vision, Your Core Values, and Your Life’s Purpose.


It’s all about connecting your resources to What Matters Most. Its starts with discovering and clarifying your life’s purpose, and connecting your financial decisions, to your purpose. It’s a Blueprint for using your wealth to make the greatest impact.

It’s about leaving an inheritance to your children, and to their children, and so much more. It’s about taking advantage of God’s, provision, for your life’s, vision.

Hi, my name is Jim Munchback. I’m a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER, I’m a small business owner, I’m an author, and I’m a teacher. I’m offering a Free Online course based on my book, Make Your Money Count, Connecting your resources to, what matters most.


The name of the course is 30 Days to Make Your Money Count. I’ll be sharing lessons from the course on The Missional Money Podcast, and, also, on The Salty Advisor Podcast. You can listen in iTunes, watch on YouTube, or follow me on LinkedIn.

Jesus said that, our spiritual vitality, can be choked out by, the weeds of worrying, about having more possessions, the deceptive lure of getting more money, and having our hearts focused, on the wrong things. In Make Your Money Count, I share insights about, how to pull those weeds from our hearts, and replace them with a clear, compelling, purpose. When we have a strong sense of direction, we’ll be motivated, to connect everything in our lives, including our finances, to what matters most.

30 Days, to Make Your Money Count, features Four Types of People:

  • Those who are, buried in debt, but continue to spend, even though they’re, consumed with anxiety, about money.

  • Those who live, barely above water, and are always “one paycheck from disaster,”,

  • Those who have, bucks in the bank, but are still worried, about their finances, and

  • Those whose lives are, full of purpose and contentment, and, who, connect their resources to, what matters most.

I’ll share some gripping, and heart-warming stories, to encourage, each of the first three types of people, to take courageous steps, to become people who are, full of purpose, and contentment.

We long to make sense of our finances, but many of us, don’t know where to turn for help. In this free online course, I’ll help you, put the pieces together, so that you understand:

  • The necessity of having a clear, compelling purpose in life.

  • Ways you can connect all of your resources, to your purpose.

  • How to write a strategic and simple, Blueprint, for Financial Success.

  • Ways you can, maximize your savings, and investments, and,

  • A strategy, for passing principles of good financial management, to your children.

Inside this free online course, I’m going to teach you, how to create an actual plan, for financial freedom. I’m going to show you how to, overcome the number one reason, why most people, fail to, build wealth.

In each lesson, I’m going to show you something, you can do that day, to Save More Money, Pay Lower Taxes, And Build a Better Retirement.

Now listen, this course is free, but you do have to enroll. So, go ahead, click the link below, or, visit MissionalMoney.com. That’s, Missional, Money, dot com.

If you’re a Financial Advisor, I especially want you to take advantage of this free, online, course. 30 Days, to Make Your Money Count. I’m inviting wealth managers, from all over the world, because, I believe, it’s our time. It’s time for us, to take our place, in history. It’s time, to make a difference. It’s time, for true believers, to find, and fund, our life mission, so that we make an impact, in our families, in our communities, and in our culture.

Join me at Missional Money Dot Com Today

Make Your Money Count

Special -Limited- Hard Cover Edition of Make Your Money Count by Jim Munchbach, CFP® Professional. 

Make Your Money Count features The Blueprint for Financial Success™ and FREE Shipping.

Click Here to Buy Now, $24.95 Free Shipping

What Matters Most for Financial Advisors

Special, Limited, Hard Cover Edition of What Matters Most by Jim Munchbach, CFP® Professional. What Matters Most ships with one full size copy of The Blueprint for Financial Success™. FREE Shipping.

Click Here to Buy Now, $24.95


Special, Limited, Hard Cover Edition of Allied for Success by Jim Munchbach, Certified Financial Planner™ (comes with full sized Financial Planning Blueprint)

Allied for Success


Allied for Success features The Blueprint for Financial Success™ and FREE Shipping.

Click Here to Buy Now, $24.95 Free Shipping

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Investment Advice and Financial Planning are offered through BayRock Financial, L.L.C., a Registered Investment Advisor. BayRock does not provide tax or legal advice. The information presented here is not specific to any individual’s personal financial circumstances. To the extent that this material concerns tax matters or legal issues, it is not intended to be used, and cannot be used, by any investor or taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Each investor should seek independent advice from a tax professional based on his or her individual circumstances. All content from MissionalMoney.com and SaltyAdvisors.com is provided for general information and educational purposes only. This content is based on publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable. Neither Missional Money nor BayRock Financial, L.L.C. can assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials and this information can change at any time and without notice. Use this material only as general guide to further discussion with your Certified Financial Planner™ professional and/or other Financial Advisor(s).

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